 정보광장 연구실소개 공정시스템 연구실
공정시스템 연구실(Process Systems Lab.)
Modeling and Computation of Atmospheric Aerosol System - UHAERO(http://aero.math.uh.edu)
A major goal of our research has been to use first principles to gain a predictive model of the physical and chemical processes that govern the dynamics, size, and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols. This will include heterogeneous and condensed phase chemistry and full feedback between aerosol and cloud microphysics and atmospheric chemistry. UHAERO is a project conducted by the Department of Mathematics at the University of Houston dedicated to the modeling and simulation of atmospheric aerosols. So far, the intended research is in the area of mathematical modeling and computation of phase equilibria and phase transitions in atmospheric particles containing both inorganic and organic compounds.
Neal R. Amundson, Alexandre Caboussat, Jiwen He, Andrey M. Martynenko, Vincent B. Savarin, John H. Seinfeld, and Kee-Youn Yoo,"A New Inorganic Atmospheric Aerosol Phase Equilibrium Model (UHAERO),"Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 975-992 (2006).
Process Systems Engineering
The study of chemical engineering and computer-based techniques for design, operation and management within the process industries has come to be called process systems engineering(PSE). PSE is concerned with the scientific aspects of the design and operation of a chemical process as an integrated dynamic production system. This integration addresses multiple scales, ranging from product quality control at the micro scale to the optimization of production at the plant level. Our group is engaged in studies of dynamic features, optimization, identification, and control of general process systems.
Polymer Reaction Engineering
Our primary research interests are to study: polymerization kinetics, polymerization reactor and process modeling, control, and optimization. The polymer reaction engineering, as one of the branches of chemical reaction engineering, is a discipline in which fundamental principles of chemical engineering, polymer science, and systems engineering are blended together to solve from microscopic to macroscopic reaction and reactor problems.
담당교수: 류기윤(02-970-6610)
연구실 위치: 청운관 214호
연구실 전화: 02-970-9917

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